How can I retry a Sidekiq job without reporting an error?

When a Sidekiq job raises an error, Sidekiq will retry that job up to 25 times following its exponential backoff schedule (or until the job succeeds). However, there are some cases where we want to retry a job, but don’t want to report an error to whatever monitors our Sidekiq errors.1 Suppose that we have some worker that tries to read a resource from an external API, and that resource may or may not be available yet:

In this case, the most straightforward way to retry without reporting an error is to define some custom error type that we only use to trigger a retry:

It’s important to use a custom error type here, since we don’t want to mask any real errors that could occur in our worker! We can then configure our error monitoring service to ignore our custom ResourceNotYetAvailableSidekiqRetryError. For example, if we’re using Sentry for our error monitoring, we can add this custom error type to config.excluded_exceptions to ignore it.

Sidekiq will then retry our ReadResourceFromExternalAPIWorker according to its exponential backoff schedule,2 which we expect to eventually succeed when the external resource becomes available. If we have configured our error monitoring service correctly for ResourceNotYetAvailableSidekiqRetryError, we will not report any errors when we do this retry.

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1: For example, a high error rate on a particular job could trigger some sort of alerting logic in a system like PagerDuty, which is not the desired behaviour for an expected retry!

2: If we don’t want to follow Sidekiq’s default exponential backoff schedule, the enterprise edition of Sidekiq allows us to define a rate limiter with a custom-defined backoff schedule.